I'm not a millenial1 but lucky enough to have grown up with a computer in the house.
Managing computers for a living since 2007. Moved to the Cloud around 2015. In a container building industry since 2017.
1According to Wikipedia, I am a millenial.
I came across DevOps methodologies and tools in 2015, when I had just started working in Shoreditch for a company in the Telco business. I was blown away how you could step up your automation game on AWS with the likes of Chef or Ansible. How you could use a build tool like Teamcity or Jenkins to not only build code, but to actually create the infrastructure on some Cloud Provider that hosts that code.
My big love -though- came a little bit later. While watching many many Youtube videos about DevOps, Agile and it's tools, I bumped into this company called HashiCorp that developed a few tools for the DevOps Toolchain. I tried them all and fell in love with how they think about Infrastructure Automation, Secrets Management or Service Discovery. I -then- started learning a lot about these tools, and today I happily preach and teach these tools as they're among the best.
A tiny slice of how I help companies: